Optimal clinical pathway for adults with headache and facial pain
Headache disorders, characterised by recurrent headache, are among the most common disorders of the nervous system.
Headache accounts for 30-40% of all new referrals to neurology outpatients and is the most common neurological reason for A&E attendance. The majority of headache is primary (such as migraine, tension-type headache and cluster headache). Rarer headache disorders such as trigeminal neuralgia may require a specialist to clarify diagnosis.
The development of the optimal clinical pathway for headache and facial pain has been overseen by NNAG and led by a working group of headache and facial pain specialists including representatives from the British Association for the Study of Headache (BASH) and the Association of British Neurologists (ABN). The pathway sets out what good treatment, care and support looks like. A public consultation was held to gather input, views and experience from people with neurological conditions and wider stakeholders.
Download the optimal clinical pathway for adults with headache and facial pain here
To support the development of the pathway, The Migraine Trust with the support of The Neurological Alliance, facilitated patient focus groups to understand the views of people with lived experience. You can read a summary report here.
The development of this pathway was overseen by NNAG, with input from these professional bodies and patient organisations: The Association of British Neurologists, The British Association For The Study of Headache, The Migraine Trust, The Neurological Alliance and Trigeminal Neuralgia Association UK.